At Mother Hemp Naturals, we are committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. This statement outlines our approach to identifying and addressing these issues in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our business:
Mother Hemp Naturals is a CBD blog and does not directly engage in the manufacture or distribution of physical products. However, we recognize our responsibility to ensure that our suppliers and partners uphold the same standards of ethical conduct that we do.
Our supply chain:
We work with a number of suppliers and partners to provide content, products, and services to our readers. We expect all of our suppliers and partners to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to modern slavery and human trafficking.
Risk assessment:
We have conducted a risk assessment of our supply chain and identified areas where modern slavery and human trafficking may be more prevalent, such as the sourcing of hemp and other raw materials.
Due diligence:
We conduct due diligence on all new suppliers and partners to ensure that they meet our standards for ethical conduct. This includes a review of their policies and procedures related to modern slavery and human trafficking.
Training and awareness:
We provide training and awareness to our employees and contractors on the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking and how to identify and report any concerns.
Monitoring and reporting:
We monitor our supply chain for any signs of modern slavery and human trafficking and take appropriate action if we identify any issues. We also encourage our employees, contractors, and stakeholders to report any concerns they may have.
This statement has been approved by the senior management team at Mother Hemp Naturals and will be reviewed annually to ensure its ongoing effectiveness. We are committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking and will take all necessary steps to ensure that our operations and supply chain remain free from these abuses.